Agnew Analog Reference Instrument Type 602: A new Stereophonic Cutter Head.

Have you ever heard of the Agnew Transducer Principle?

This is the principle of operation of our Agnew Analog Reference Instrument Type 602, a unique stereophonic cutter head for recording sound into grooves on a disk record.
This is not yet another moving coil, moving iron or moving magnet cutter head. It is a unique transducer system invented by J. I. Agnew and developed over several years in the infinite depths of the Agnew Analog Precision Engineering Laboratory. In a field dominated by what is essentially the same design with only minor changes, over the past 75 years, daring to introduce something new and groundbreaking was not easy.
The Type 602 is capable of exceptional fidelity, while at the same time, being virtually indestructible. It can cut records louder than any playback system could ever reproduce, without the limitations of mechanical and thermal overload that would send other cutter heads off for a four figure repair job.
The science behind this exciting development will be presented in detail through the formal avenues in due course, so stay tuned!
The Type 602 will cut lacquer masters and plastics with grace, using the NSH-2 (320) type recording stylus, which is the most commonly available type nowadays. We are currently experimenting with the possibilities for DMM, so watch this space for exciting news.
What is more, the Type 602 was designed to be compatible with ANY make and model of lathe ever made! Yes, apart from the Agnew Analog Type 612 Disk Mastering Lathe, it can also be mounted on your favorite vintage lathe, whether this is a Neumann VMS70, Scully, Lyrec, Presto, Fairchild, Rek-O-Kut, RCA, or anything else you may be using.