J.l. Agnew will be speaking at Craft Research Network event!
As part of the 5th Craft Studio event, held online via Zoom and organized by the Craft Research Network, J.l. Agnew will be holding a presentation of his work at the Agnew Analog Precision Engineering Laboratory. The event is scheduled for Friday, September 16, 2022, at 17:00 CET. Registration (free of charge) at least a week in advance of the event is required for participation. Registration form: https://craftresearch.org/join
The Craft Research Network is an international, multidisciplinary research network for academics and others with an interest in craft.
Craft Studio 5 is hosted by Rene Wiedner (Associate Professor, University of Warwick, UK) and Marleen Hofland-Mol (PhD Candidate, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, NL).