Analog Disk Recording Information Portal
Disk Recording Portal under contruction!
Check back soon!
Analog Disk Recording and Mastering Equipment
Disk Recording Lathes
Phonograph Disk Reproducers/ Turntables/ Record Players
Cutter Heads
Cutting Amplifiers
Transfer Consoles
Signal Processing Units
Pitch/Depth Control Systems
Magnetic Tape Reproducer
Digital Delay Lines (coming soon)
Digital Audio Reproducers (coming soon)
Optics (coming soon)
Disk Recording Consumables
Blank Recording Disks (coming soon)
Recording Styli (coming soon)
Chemicals (coming soon)
The information contained in these pages has been collected and organized during the course of several years of professional experience with analog disk recording and mastering equipment, and a passion for this rare and beautiful technology. It is made freely available through this website to assist in the active preservation and use of such equipment for the manufacture of phonograph records, while also providing a useful resource for historians, engineering students, audio restoration/preservation professionals, audio engineers, and anyone else interested in these machines.
If you find this resource genuinely useful, please consider making a donation towards the upkeep and further development of this resource.
You are encouraged to link to these pages and you may quote brief passages with adequate attribution of the author and website, along with a link to this page.
If you have any of the equipment listed in these pages, we can supply parts and even manufacture unobtainable parts to help you keep them running. We can also offer repair and restoration services for any related equipment for disk recording and mastering use.
If you have any relevant equipment, manuals, documentations, photographs, or personal experience with equipment not listed here, we would like to hear from you.
If you are looking to purchase a disk recording or professional mastering system, do get in touch, we usually have complete, turn-key, fully functional record manufacturing equipment for sale.
If you would like some help to set up and use such systems, or any help with troubleshooting your lathe, cutter head or electronics, just ask. If it is a simple question which can be answered briefly, we will reply by email. If it is more complicated, we can arrange a consulting session by telephone or in person. We are always updating the portal and adding more content, so check back soon.
Painting by Anja Neuber