Lab Report: Type 710 Pre-Emphasis Module Prototype
We are excited to announce that we have just finished assembling and testing the first prototype of the Agnew Analog Reference Instruments Type 710 Disk Recording Pre-Emphasis and Cutter Head Protection Module!

This is meant to go between your audio source (tape machine or other sound reproducer) and power amplifier. It takes a line level signal, applies the RIAA pre-emphasis curve, and drives the power amplifier, so it can in turn drive a cutter head!

In addition, it protects the cutter head against thermal overload by means of a fuse.

The amplifier in the rack below it is a modified PA amplifier, which is used as a cutting amplifier.

It is built into a sturdy 19" rack mountable enclosure of our own design, for heavy-duty use.

Sounds fantastic and measures incredible! Check out the products page for further details.