Type 6022 Adjustable Oil Dashpot Plunger Assembly
The Type 6022 is an adjustable oil flow regulator built as a piston assembly, intended for use with oil dashpots such as the one built into the Type 6021 Lathe Suspension Toolpost. It will adjust the amount of damping on the vertical motion of a disk recording lathe suspension system.
The Type 6022 is the "high-end" solution for this purpose, designed and precision machined for maximum operator comfort and ease of reliable adjustment.
There are much simpler (and cheaper) solutions available if you are on a budget. Please contact us for further details. As this product is handcrafted, we can implement any changes you may require in terms of rod length and piston diameter, to fit your lathe or existing dashpot unit.
Application: Blog Post: A New Suspension System for Vintage Lathes